Vigo County Youth Grant Committee

The Wabash Valley Community Foundation, Inc., Youth Grant Committee exists to kindle the spirit of service and philanthropic leadership among the youth of Vigo County.


YGC members are Vigo County high school students interested in serving the community while improving their philanthropic and leadership skills. Youth Grant Committee members solicit and review grant applications for youth-led, youth-serving projects; visit local non-profits to learn more about the philanthropic landscape of Vigo County; and participate in leadership development activities.

Grant Cycles

The Community Foundation’s Youth Grant Committee conducts two grant cycles each year. The Fall Grant Application is due on October 23, 2023. The Spring Grant Application is due on February 5, 2024

For information, please contact Tess DeHart at or 812-232-2234.

Once your project is complete, the Youth Grant Committee asks that you complete and return an evaluation. This information will help the YGC to make more informed decisions on future grant applications. Also, by sharing your story, you help the YGC share its story.

Past Recipients

The following are the most recent grants:

2023 Grant Recipients

  • Terre Haute Miss Softball America – “Inclusive Day at the Ballpark”, a clinic style event for kids with special needs
  • Terre Haute North Bring Change to Mind Club (BC2M) – a mural and the purchase of updated posters to create a brighter, more inviting space in the cafeteria

2022 Grant Recipients

  • Chic-Fil-A Leader Academy – provided resourcing in support of the group’s Fall project that combats the high school dropout rate.
  • Terre Haute South Vigo Key Club – undergarment program for elementary schools in need.
  • Terre Haute North Vigo Interact Service Club –  supported their Fall event that fundraised for Riley Children’s Hospital.
  • Hugs for Veterans – covered some expenses for blankets to be made for the Veterans Clinic.
  • Terre Haute North Vigo Interact Service Club – supported their Fall event that fundraised for Riley Children’s Hospital.
  • Patriots Supporting Patriots – supported their Fall fundraiser that focused on students in need.

2021 Grant Recipients

  • Hamilton Center, Inc. – provide essentials for the community’s homeless population
  • Terre Haute Human Society – in direct support of the animals at the shelter
  • Salvation Army – in support of meeting their mission in Vigo County
  • Providence Food Pantry – in support of meeting their mission

2020 Grant Recipients

  • Vigo County School Corporation – Backpack Program

2019 Grant Recipients

  • Camp Navigate – Summer Camp Coffee Shop start up costs
  • Mount Pleasant United Methodist Church – Grace Unlimited cooking classes
  • Vigo County 4-H Junior Leaders – day camp expenses
  • West Vigo High School – “Beat the Heat” project

2018 Grant Recipients

  • Junior Department Club – purchase coats for children in need
  • ReTHink, Inc. – purchase fruit trees
  • West Vigo High School National Honor Society – in support of Blooming Wellness service project

2017 Grant Recipients

  • CODA Youth Council – bystander intervention program
  • Junior Department Club – packing and distributing hygiene bags
  • West Vigo Guitar Club – purchase guitars
  • WVHS FCCLA – packing and distributing gift bags

2016 Grant Recipients 

  • Meadows Elementary Student Council – swing set replacement
  • West Vigo Middle School – West T Pride Day

2015 Grant Recipients

Fall 2015 

  • Terre Haute North Vigo High School DECA – Fitness Expo
  • Terre Haute North Vigo High School Interact Club – Princess Party/March of Dimes benefit

Spring 2015    

  • West Vigo Middle School Grieving Club – Monthly club activities
  • West Vigo High School Child Development Classes – First-aid kits for Hamilton Center
  • Terre Haute South Vigo High School – Reading area for mothers and their children at Booker T. Washington

2014 Grant Recipients

Fall 2014

  • West Vigo High School FCCLA – Memory Board Project
  • Terre Haute North Vigo High School Interact Club – Princess Party/March of Dimes benefit
  • Terre Haute South Vigo High School – Braves Boutique

Spring 2014

  • Terre Haute South High School/American Red Cross – Provide school essential baskets and a food drive for the backpack program
  • West Vigo Middle School – West T Pride Day
  • West Vigo High School – Blanket Project to benefit Crisis Pregnancy Center

2013 Grant Recipients 

Fall 2013 

  • Tote Bag Club – Tote bags for Franklin Elementary with personal items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, socks, and underwear.
  • B is for Bullying Picture Book Project – WVMS – A collaborative project between the 4th and 7th grade students in which they will create an A-Z book to be used in the elementary and middle school as a teaching tool.
  • Heroes in Action at WVMS – Purchase props, costumes, and promise posters for a drama production about bullying.

Spring 2013    

  • South Vigo DECA – Support of the Christmas program at Terre Haute Children’s Museum
  • South Vigo DECA – Support of the Thanksgiving baskets for United Childcare Center preschool children
  • North DECA – Support of the Christmas program at Terre Haute Children’s Museum
  • North DECA – Support of the Thanksgiving baskets for Ryves Hall preschool children

2012 Grant Recipients

Fall 2012      

  • Go Make  A Difference (Go M.A.D.) – Senior Citizen Snowball Day and Go Make A Difference Day
  • West Vigo High School Student Council – Santa’s Elves program for the less-fortunate students
  • North Vigo Junior Class Senate – Plaque to honor classmate who passes away
  • Future Community Career Leaders of America – Purchase blanket materials for at-risk children
  • West T Pride – Support of clean-up materials for West T Pride Day

Spring 2012  

  • Grieving Improves with Friends and Time – Art therapy session and tree-planting memorial service for students who have a deceased parent
  • West Vigo Middle School – Heroes in Action – Anti-bullying play performed by West Vigo Middle School students for West Vigo Elementary School students
  • JUMMP Youth Group – Support social events for girls age 6-10 at Ryves Hall

2011 Grant Recipients

  • West Vigo High School Student Council – Santa’s Elves program for the less-fortunate students
  • North Vigo High School Latin Club – Support for high school students teaching elementary students the importance of healthy minds and bodies through a Roman banquet
  • Caring Quilts – Purchase materials used to create quilts to be distributed to area hospitals for families of stillborn infants


To apply, please complete and return the membership application. A limited number of youth will be selected to serve on the Community Foundation’s Youth Grant Committee. Applications are due February 19, 2024, with interviews scheduled on March 18, 2024, for membership the following academic year.


Help kindle the spirit of service and philanthropic leadership among the youth of Vigo County!