Our Priorities

High Priorities:
With the limited unrestricted funds available, it is necessary to determine which grants can best be awarded to have the greatest impact on the needs and growth of the Wabash Valley. The priorities are as follows:

  • To focus on the prevention of problems rather than on the symptoms
  • To maintain both a proactive focus and an ability to respond to creative ideas from grant seekers
  • To assist grant seekers to better respond to the changing needs of the community
  • To encourage programs that enhance cooperation and collaboration among institutions within our community
  • To leverage funds through the use of “seed money,” “match” and “challenge” grants
  • To fund projects that will make a significant improvement to our community

Low Priorities:

While the Community Foundation remains flexible in attempting to meet community needs, the following items generally are not funded:

  • Operational expenses of existing programs
  • Endowments or deficit funding
  • Funds for redistribution by the grantee
  • Conferences, publications, films, television and radio programs unless integral to the project for which the grant is sought
  • Religious purposes
  • Travel for individuals or groups such as bands, sports teams and classes
  • Annual appeals and membership contributions
  • Commonly accepted community services, which are tax supported such as fire and police protection, welfare and library service, etc.
  • Political campaigns or lobbying activities