Giving – FAQs

Giving FAQs

Great question!  To make informed decisions about smart, meaningful philanthropy, you’ve come to the right place.  As a partner in philanthropy for over 25 years, we’ve earned a track record as a reliable steward of financial investments that make a difference.

There are many ways we can partner with you including:

  • Opening a fund that would support your favorite charitable programs or projects forever.
  • Supporting the impactful work of the Community Foundation in Clay, Sullivan or Vigo counties
  • Creating your legacy
  • Opening a Donor-Advised Fund
  • Creating a scholarship fund to allow a deserving youth or adult pursue post-secondary education
  • Supporting the foundation to ensure that we can continue to fulfill our mission

We would love to work with you to find your personal answer to this question.

The simple answer is that we will help you invest wisely in the causes you care most about for the long term.  Giving is a personal decision.  We work with you to make sure your giving experience is tailored to meet your philanthropic goals.

  • We simplify charitable giving – Opening a fund with us is easier and more efficient than opening a private foundation.  You don’t have to write multiple checks to various charities, and we handle all of the tedious administrative details.
  • It costs nothing to get started – In contrast to a stand-alone foundation, which comes with significant legal, accounting and operations fees, opening a fund at the Community Foundation is free.
  • We offer invaluable expertise.  Our team possesses an unparalleled base of knowledge and connections built through community involvement and leadership.  We apply this knowledge to ensure your gift is used as you intend, and that the needs and community you care about are supported
  • We are established and trusted.  We have been helping people improve the quality of life where they live and support the community needs that matter most to them for nearly 30 years and we will continue to do so forever.
  • We have met the highest standards of operational excellence and integrity in community philanthropy by receiving re-accreditation with the National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations.  The National Standards is not mandatory. We choose to go above and beyond by affirming our commitment to excellence and accountability.  Our accreditation provides assurance that we have sound policies and practices in place.  In short, it means we meet the highest standards for local giving.
  • We know the local nonprofit landscape – We support nonprofit organizations in Clay, Sullivan and Vigo counties addressing immediate community needs, as well as those collaborating with others to create long-term transformative change.  Whether you have a clear concept or only an idea that is beginning to take shape, we can help.

We can accept a variety of complex assets including:

  • Cash
  • Checks (please make your check payable to the Wabash Valley Community Foundation and include on the memo line the fund, program or county you wish to support)
  • Credit Cards through online payments
  • Direct transfers from IRA accounts, if you are 70 ½ or older
  • Tangible personal property
  • Publicly-traded securities or mutual funds
  • Real estate
  • Business interests (including closely held stock)
  • Insurance policies

The Community Foundation’s Executive Director and staff are responsible for reviewing all gifts made to the Community Foundation, properly screening those gifts and making recommendations to the Board of Directors on gift acceptance issues when appropriate.  For more information about our Gift Acceptance Policy, please contact us at 812-232-2234 or via email

There is no minimum gift.  You can donate cash and other assets, or write a check to the Wabash Valley Community Foundation or any one of our funds or programs in any amount.  Whether your gift is $10, $10,000 or more, your philanthropy will be meaningful and aligned with your values, life experiences, interest and desires to make your Wabash Valley community a place where residents thrive and live life completely.  

No.  Often individuals work with us now to create a fund that they will not contribute to until sometime later.   Often, individuals include a fund within their will or other estate documents.  By working with us now, we can ensure that once we receive your gift in the future, we will know the desired impact and goals

Anyone on our staff can send you wire transfer instructions.  Please alert a staff member of the Community Foundation of any stock or cash wire donation with a written communication or phone call.  

If you would like to make a gift of mutual funds, or restricted or closely held securities, please call us at 812-232-2234 for instructions.

It is simple to set up a monthly or quarterly donation online.  You can choose to support the Community Foundation with a recurring donation, or you may choose to support a fund, program or Giving Circle.  You will be mailed a tax receipt every month after your donation is processed.

You may opt to increase, decrease or suspend your donation amount at any time by contacting us at  

Yes.  If you or one of your family members work for an organization with a matching gift program, you can double – or even triple – your gift.  As each company has a different set of instructions for matching an employee gift, please inquire with your human resources department for details. The Community Foundation is happy to confirm your gift or satisfy any other requirements your company may have.  Contact us at if you have any question regarding your matching gift.

We realize that many Wabash Valley residents want to leave a legacy of giving beyond their lifetimes and for generations to come.  Dozens of people who love their community have committed more than $XX to ensure a better future through legacy gifts with the Community Foundation

While we do not offer legal or financial advice, we can connect you with planned giving experts who can talk with you or your professional adviser about various charitable options.

We accept a variety of complex assets and work with you, your loved ones and your professional advisers to ensure that your charitable intentions are achieved in the manner best for you and your family.  Click here to learn more or contact us at for more information.

You can create a new fund in the Community Foundation.  The minimum amount for opening most new funds is $5,000. Creating a new fund is quick and easy! First, you should contact the Community Foundation at 812-232-2234 as we would like to talk with you to ensure that we understand what you want your new fund to achieve.

You have a variety of options available. You can create a fund that:

  1. Invests in needed programs and funds new programs and projects within your community that enriches the lives of the residents.  
  2. Supports your favorite charity or charities with an annual grant.  This is a great way to continue your annual support of your church or other charities beyond your lifetime.
  3. Provides grants in an area of interest that you define such as youth, education, environment or the arts. Each year, grants from this fund will support programs or projects within your defined interest area.
  4. Awards a post-secondary scholarship for college or vocational education.

Yes, the Community Foundation exists to engage people, build resources and strengthen community to improve the quality of life for everyone in the Wabash Valley, particularly in Clay, Sullivan and Vigo counties.  To achieve our mission, we have a variety of programs and funds that address specific needs and interest areas in each of our three counties.

We greatly value your support of our day-to-day work.  When you give to the Community Grant Fund for the county of your choice, you are investing in a permanent resource that responds to community needs through a competitive grant application process.

We invite you to explore our website to learn more about our programs and initiative, and the different ways we’re working with individuals like you to help build a better Wabash Valley.  Please review our funding areas and determine if you would like to direct your support to a particular area of interest.  Whether donating online, by cash or check or with other assets, please be sure to indicate which program or fund you’re supporting so that we may allocate your donation appropriately.

Yes.  Of course, only your attorney or accountant can offer you personal tax advice.  However, The Wabash Valley Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization.  Our Federal Tax ID, or Employer Identification Number (EIN) is 35-1848649. 

After you donate, you will receive a thank you letter that includes the information needed for tax purposes that you will want to keep with your tax papers.  This letter will also advise you how you will be listed for publication in the Community Foundation’s annual report.

Yes, you can make an anonymous donation.  You may select that option online, or include a note with your donation that states your preference to remain anonymous (i.e., not be listed or recognized publicly).  We will still mail you a tax receipt.

Yes.  If you make a gift in honor or in memory of someone via cash or check, we can notify the person you are honoring or the loved ones of the person you are memorializing. Please be sure to include with your gift a note with the name(s) and address(es) of the person(s) you wish to notify.  We will inform them that you have made a gift, but we will not tell them the amount of your gift.

There is also a section on our online donation form where you may specify whether a gift is to be in honor or in memory of someone.  You may choose to send a notification of the donation to the person you are honoring, or to the loved ones of the person you are memorializing with your gift by completing the donation form online.   Additional questions?  Please contact us at 812-232-2234 or

Yes, some of our donors fundraise for their memorial or other funds at the Community Foundation.  However, the Community Foundation is legally responsible for all fundraising on its behalf, and the Community Foundation, as well as the donor, can face serious penalties if procedures are not established and carefully followed. 

The simplest way to fundraise for a particular fund or program is by signing up for an online giving page through the Community Foundation’s giving platform.  Contact us at to learn more.

Individuals considering a fundraising event are most likely to do so by independent fundraising. This approach to fundraising can be conducted by an individual or independent organization without the endorsement or involvement of the Community Foundation.  Under these circumstances, the Community Foundation or endowment fund receives the net income from a fundraiser and does not acknowledge the individual contributors, or reimburse any expenses incurred during the fundraising effort.  Sponsors of such a fundraising event may not claim that the event is a foundation function, or that contributions will be tax-deductible

Community Foundation-sanctioned fundraising, on the other hand, may be conducted on behalf of a fund at the Community Foundation, using the Community Foundation’s name, the name of the fund and all the advantages of the Community Foundation’s nonprofit status only with prior consent of the Community Foundation.  Additional administrative fees will be charged for serviced provided by the Community Foundation staff to endorse the event, acknowledge gifts, and administer the proceeds and expenses of the fundraising event; fees will be determined in advance and discussed with the fundraising individual or group.  

Important benefits and responsibilities are related to each type of approach, so please be sure to contact us at before you start fundraising.

Generally, no.  The Community Foundation does not make pass-through grants unless it is part of a special program or project.  We recommend that you donate directly to the other organization.

For more information about giving, contact us at