Vigo County Education Foundation – John Kassis Memorial Scholarship Fund

John Kassis passed away on April 14, 1993 – he was 36 years old. John packed more into his 36 years of living than anybody else could hope to experience in 90 years. His spirit and love of life left a lasting impression on many of his friends and family.

After the funeral, several of his friends felt helpless and frustrated by John’s premature death. To try and ease the pain, they decided to create a memorial to John that would remind John’s friends and family, and to let those who didn’t know John, of the kind of person he was.

The John Kassis Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a senior football player from Terre Haute South Vigo High School based upon his mental attitude, leadership ability, commitment to the community and school, teamwork, courage, and sense of humor.

(For information contact Terre Haute South Vigo High School.)

Eligibility requires that:

  • You are a graduating senior football player at Terre Haute South Vigo High School.
