Dr. James Harvey Crowder Memorial Scholarship Fund

James Harvey Crowder, Jr. was born on March 13, 1903 in Sullivan County. He attended Indiana University, the University of Chicago and Rush Medical College. He graduated with honors from both the University of Chicago and Rush Medical College. James came from a long line of physicians and was the fourth generation to take up practice in Sullivan. James married Martha Houpt in 1929, and they had one daughter, Nancy Ann Crowder. James remained active in Sullivan throughout his

life. He had a hand in establishing Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Indiana and Farmers State Bank of Sullivan. At Farmers State Bank, he was the original president and later became a board member. James was involved in and a part of numerous medical associations, including the American Medical Association.

The Dr. James Harvey Crowder Scholarship Fund was established by his daughter, Nancy Crowder Cochran. The scholarship fund was established with the Sullivan County Community Foundation, an affiliate of the Wabash Valley Community Foundation. The purpose of the Dr. James Harvey Crowder Scholarship Fund is provide annual scholarships of $1,000 for the benefit of one or more graduates of Sullivan High School desiring to enter the field of medicine, in hope that they will return to serve the people of Sullivan County.

Eligibility requires that:

  • You will be a graduate of Sullivan High School.
  • Preference given to applicants planning a career in the field of medicine.
