A community foundation is a tax-exempt public charity created by and for the people in the Wabash Valley. It enables people with philanthropic interests to easily and effectively support the issues they care about – immediately or through their estate plans. Donors may give to existing funds or establish a charitable fund at the Foundation by contributing a variety of assets. Community endowment funds allow gifts to grow and be leveraged with other gifts, thus allowing the Foundation to make larger grants with greater impact. Donors may also recommend grants through their own funds to charitable, 501(c)(3) organizations they want to support.

The Wabash Valley Community Foundation is your community portal. By channeling community expertise to you and taking your creative ideas to the community, together, we make a difference.

We go beyond simply taking charitable contributions and making grants to charitable organizations. Our Board and staff are responsible for having in-depth expertise and spend most of their time in the community understanding challenges, identifying opportunities, and recognizing successful organizations. We also identify current and emerging issues, stimulate resources to address those opportunities, and help our region prepare for the future.

With the Wabash Valley Community Foundation, you are making a wise charitable investment.


– Builder and steward of permanent community resources
– Service provider to donors
– Service provider to non-profit organizations
– Grantmaker
– Service provider to other grantmakers
– Convener, catalyst, and collaborator
– Encourages philanthropy to the community

– Tax exempt under Section 501(c)(3)
– Support from many unrelated donors
– Independent board of directors broadly representative
of the Wabash Valley
– Grantmaking is not limited by field of interest
or to specific populations
– Focused upon serving the Wabash Valley
– Goal of building permanent endowment funds
– Variance power
– Responsible and accountable to the community