The First Giving Circle

In 2006, Karen Dunigan of Jackson, Michigan, was looking for a way to raise money for local charities more quickly and efficiently. She knew she could not raise the funds necessary to fulfill the need in her community by herself but she thought that if she could get enough women together, they could solve some of the needs of their community.

At the first meeting, 100 women attended and each of these women wrote a $100 check. After the meeting, $10,000 was donated to a local organization to purchase 300 cribs for expecting mothers. Since then, the founding chapter has grown to over 200 members and they have inspired women all over the country to start local chapters as well as chapters for men.

Our First Chapter

100+ Women Who Care Vigo County was established after Teresa Exline shared information about the success of the nearby Bloomington, Indiana chapter, and suggested starting a Vigo County version during a meeting a female leaders called together by Saint Mary-of-the-Woods President Dottie King. After the meeting, Beth Tevlin, Executive Director of the Wabash Valley Community Foundation, approached Teresa and indicated that the Community Foundation would be pleased to serve as the administrative home of the 100+ Women Who Care Vigo County. Teresa and Beth  decided to co-found the organization and formed a steering committee. They set a goal of recruiting enough members to begin meeting in February 2013.

After noticing the impact and success the 100+ Women Who Care Vigo County had, local men in the community decided to create their own Giving Circle, Guys Who Give Vigo County. Women in Clay County soon became interested in starting a group as well and in 2015 they created 100+ Women Who Care Clay County. In 2016, 100 Women Who Care Sullivan County and Guys Who Give Clay County were both added to the Giving Circles.

In total, these five groups have awarded over $1 million.