Mental Health, Substance Use and Homelessness Grants

For the past three decades, the Wabash Valley Community Foundation Inc., has focused on improving the quality of life of individuals residing within the Wabash Valley. With its mission of engaging people, building resources and enriching lives, the Community Foundation has partnered with generous individuals, families and organizations to achieve its vision of a healthy, educated and thriving community.

In these times, the issues of mental health, substance use and homelessness are at the forefront of our communities; the Community Foundation recognizes that some individuals within our service area can benefit from additional assistance necessary to achieve its vision. Thanks to the generosity of a local family sharing the same dedication to improving the situation of individuals in Vigo County and the entire Wabash Valley, the Community Foundation is pleased to announce its “Creating a Better Tomorrow” initiative.

Through a $1 million gift, the Community Foundation seeks to identify and fund impactful opportunities and partnerships between eligible nonprofit stakeholders and governmental entities.  The Community Foundation is offering two funding opportunities aimed at addressing issues related to mental health, substance use and/or homelessness within its service area of Clay, Sullivan and Vigo counties.

Addressing these issues and taking advantage of new funding, promising opportunities will require sustained, well-informed, highly effective and highly-collaborative action among nonprofit stakeholders, governmental and businesses at the local level. The Community Foundation recognizes that our nonprofit community, healthcare community and governmental entities are uniquely positioned to address specific issues.  However, the issues related to mental health, substance use and homelessness are multi-dimensional and complex issues in which no one entity can “solve.”

Given the limited funding available, the Community Foundation seeks to fund programs that are proven in efficacy, either locally or in communities similar to ours, that can be replicated within Clay, Sullivan and/or Vigo counties. The Community Foundation further seeks to invest in continuing local programs that are effective in reducing substance use, mental health issues and/or homelessness.

The Community Foundation will offer grant funds under two different programs:

Supporting Grants – The Community Foundation will provide up to ten (10) Supporting Grants of up to $10,000 each.  These grants are one-time grants and could be used to provide supplies, training and equipment to enhance existing programs.

Leadership Grants – The Community Foundation will award grants ranging from $25,000 to $100,000 that may be renewed for a second and third year based upon the Grantee achieving the metrics defined within the proposal.  The Leadership Grant should reflect collaborative efforts, organizational commitment and represent investments with measurable results and can produce lasting and impactful outcomes.

Supporting Grants

These grants may be used for projects that continue what the applicant is currently doing or expand that process.  Supporting Grant Applications will be reviewed on the 15th of each month until the funding is fully committed.  These proposals will be reviewed based upon:

  • Number of persons impacted
  • Length of impact. It is important for applicants to identify and measure the long-term impact the Supporting Grant will provide.
  • Demonstrated ability of Grantee to implement and sustain this Initiative past the period of funding through the Community Foundation.

Click here to be directed to the Supporting Grant Application. Password is SUPPORT.

Leadership Grants

Each nonprofit organization, collaboration of nonprofit organizations, governmental entity or agency may submit a Leadership Grant proposal on or before March 15, 2023.  The proposal should be organized as follows and include the elements listed below:

    • Executive Summary: This is a brief, one-page summary of the proposal.  It should include information about the applicant institution, a brief statement of the challenge, project or opportunity being addressed, an identification of the target population, a description of the strategies or programs, a listing of the collaborators involved and their respective responsibilities, the amount being requested and the proposed timeline for implementation of the grant.  It should also include the primary contact person’s physical address, email address and telephone number.
    • Proposal: This is the narrative description of not more than six (6) pages that highlights the programs and strategies the applicant proposes to employ in addressing the high-priority challenge or opportunity.  The proposal should include the following elements:
      • The applicant(s) should identify itself in terms of location, experience and expertise.
      • A description of the challenges, barriers or opportunities being addressed by the proposal. The applicant should describe the reasons for addressing the identified issues, and why those issues were prioritized above other issues, challenges, barriers or opportunities.
      • A description of the programming and activities to be conducted in addressing the identified challenges, barriers or opportunities. This description should include data or other evidence indicating that the proposed programming, activities or “solution” will be successful once implemented. This should include any research findings, analysis or assessment of work being (or not being) done by the grantee or other organizations.
      • A proposed timeline for implementation.
      • A description of how the strategies and activities will be executed in accordance to the proposed timeline. This should include the identification of collaborators or other external partners, and an explanation of the responsibility each party will have in implementing the proposal. These responsibilities may include financial support, budget, program implementation, public advocacy or project management, among others.
      • A description of the proposal’s objectives and how the organization or collaboration will evaluate the extent to which the objectives are accomplished. This description should include the key outcomes and performance indicators, both qualitative and quantitative as appropriate, related to the challenges or opportunities being addressed.
      • A description of any obstacles or challenges that would be anticipated in implementing the efforts described in the proposal and how any difficulties will be addressed.
      • A description of the organization’s capacity to carry out its responsibilities.
      • A description of how the activities undertaken will be sustained after the grant has been expended.
    • Budget and Budget Narrative: The budget is a one-page document that details the costs associated with the activity project. The budget narrative is an accompanying document that describes each budget line item and explains how it was calculated.  If the budget for the grant is greater than the allotted amount, the applicant should describe other sources of support for the proposed activities and the organizations or individuals who might provide such services.
    • Letters of Support: If a proposal involves collaborators or other financial supporters, letters of support endorsing the merits of the proposal, demonstrating the willingness of each collaborator to participate, highlighting the role each expects to play in connection with the proposal, and confirming the financial resources, if any, each has committed to implementation activities should also be included.

The following criteria, among others, will be reviewed by the Community Foundation board, volunteers, staff and others:

  • Compelling challenge or opportunity
  • Extent of local benefit and/or impact
  • Collaboration
  • Feasibility
  • Rationale
  • Community Partnerships
  • Evidence of successful implementation, either locally or elsewhere.
  • Financial Sustainability
  • Local Consensus about the issues to be addressed.

For questions regarding the Creating a Better Tomorrow Initiative, please contact:

Wabash Valley Community Foundation Inc.
200 South 8th Street
Terre Haute, IN  47807

Click here to download a PDF of the above guidelines.